Ozonated Oils & Salves

Our ozonated salve is made by a Certified Ozone Technician using high quality, certified organic oils, utilizing a medical grade ozone generator along with medical grade oxygen.

Our Salve has been tested by a leading Manufacture in the United States and the results astonished them. The testing lab at this United Sates based leading Ozonated oil manufacture received our samples after being delayed several days in the mail. The samples they received were liquid upon arrival at there testing facility. they promptly placed them in a refrigerator to return them to a salve. Upon testing, they reported back to us that our salve has a higher Ozone concentration (even after being in a liquid state for a few days) then there salve that has never been in a liquid state; they also went on to state that our salve is a little more thicker then there salve (this is a result of a higher concentration Ozone being infused into the oil).

The reason our salves are of such high concentration Ozone compared to the leading Ozonated Oil manufacture is that we understand Ozone! We were first introduced to ozone for odor removal www.no-more-odor.com and we started a successful odor removal company after lots and lots of research on Ozone. Though this experience and education we were able to chose the best equipment available and avoid all the many false and misleading claims of Ozone manufactures.

Note: All Salves Ship Frozen, Refrigerate or Freeze upon Receiving Salve.

Warning: Our Ozonated Salve is thicker and have a stronger O3 / Ozone smell then others as it is more saturated with Ozone then others.

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